First off, Happy belated Thanksgiving from Kyrgyzstan! Everyone here had a wonderful time celebrating traditions old and new on Thanksgiving day. Many ambitious individuals hunted down turkeys and pumpkins at the bazaar in Bishkek. As for me, I was out-voted (I was hoping for the traditional meal) and ended up indulging in burgers, fries and barbecue chicken pizza... Oh, and beer. I'm a little jealous of the traditionalists with their turkey, mash-potatoes, gravy and corn. Next year!
We've been very busy finishing up our Pre Service Training and preparing to move to our permanent sites. Here's a little time line for you:
December 1st: Move all of our belongings into Hotel Isykk Kul in Bishkek:
December 2nd: We wrap up our last training session in the hotel and put on a Talent Show.
December 3rd: Swearing in Ceremony at the Philharmonia in Bishkek(With Askar Akaev, the president of Kyrgyzstan in attendance). After the ceremony, the Ambassador to Kyrygzstan, Steven Young (I believe that's his name) has invited us to a reception at his private residence.
December 4th: We depart for our permanent sites for the next 2 years. As you know, I will be working at the Human Rights and Democracy Center in Osh. I'm excited to move and get settled in, though a bit sad that next week will likely be the last time we all see one another in one spot again.
Sorry for the long delay between updates. This certainly has not been by choice. Internet in Kyrgyzstan is very unreliable and often times I will have written a long message only to have the power go out before I send it. For those parents and friends who aren't receiving regular emails from your loved ones over here--please know that I am one of the few volunteers who actually lives in a village with internet access.
I will not be able to post any messages until after the first week of December. Please check back in around December 5th or 6th for the latest update.
Once I get settled in Osh, the blog entries should be more regular again. Hope all is well back home,
Take care,