New Beginnings

Hey Folks,

I am in Kyrgyzstan.


Philly: Doing a Voice Dub-over for a skit we put on re: remaining apolitical while in the PC (I used my best woman's voice and my buddy dressed in drag). We go a lot-o-laughs.

Istanbul: drinking beer and playing cards at the airport (unfortunately, there wasn't enough time to make it out of the city)

Kyrgyzstan: having about 80 people (most of whom I had just met a few days before) sing me Happy Birthday.

Seeing the dawn light bring the mountains into view as 5 of stayed up all night talking on a balcony at the Issyk Kul Hotel in Bishkek.

Learning that Russian would be my primary language of study and that I may be working with a Human Rights NGO(Non-Governmental Organization).

Throwing up and diareaha (more than likely from something I ate) and being in goodhands with the wonderful medical staff here!

We've got a phenomenal group of 67 volunteers. I know nearly everyone's name already and have enjoyed learning about my fellow PCV's.

I don't know how often I will be able to update this blog yet. Tomorrow I move in with my first host family (it was supposed to happen today, but my puking precluded it).

I think I have to go now. I will write every chance I get.

Take care,

Love Larry


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